Baptism is a gift. It is not a legal requirement to meet, a technical ritual to perform, a test to pass or fail, or a strict command to obey just right. It is a gracious gift from God. Baptism is the way to accept and experience everything God longs to give you through Christ.

As part of our new “Transforming Encounters” sermon series, we’re preaching twice on baptism, April 14 and April 21. The focus is not on what WE do in baptism, but on what GOD is doing. Where is God when I am baptized? Why does he want me to be baptized? What does God give me when I’m baptized? How does God change me in the waters of baptism? If you or someone you know has never received the gift of baptism, GCR is inviting you to be baptised on Baptism Sunday.

Following the sermon on April 21, all who have never been baptized are invited to receive baptism in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sin and the gift of God’s Holy Spirit.

If you would like to be baptized at GCR on Baptism Sunday, click below to let us know.


  • Baptism is the sacrament that eternally unites you with Jesus Christ. You proclaim your faith in Jesus and are “buried” under water and then raised up as a saved child of God. This simulated “burial” and “resurrection” identifies you with Jesus, connects you with his burial and resurrection, and bestows on you the benefits of his righteousness (Romans 6:3-5).

  • You only need to know that Jesus is the holy Son of God and that he came to this earth to live a perfect life, to die a sacrificial death, and to be raised to life for your salvation and the salvation of the world.

  • The Bible says all your sins are forgiven—past, present, and future—and you receive the gift of God’s Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38). You receive the holiness and righteousness of Christ and are given a new identity in him. You also become a citizen of God’s Kingdom, the worldwide community of faith (Titus 3:3-7).

  • You are making a pledge to give your life to Jesus and to live as one of his followers. So, you will declare that Jesus is the Son of God and that you are ready to make him the Lord of your life (Romans 10:9-13). When you come up out of the water, the Bible says you are a “new creation,” filled with God’s Holy Spirit who will give you the guidance and the strength to follow through on your pledge.

  • Any baptized follower of Jesus can baptize you—a Christian friend, a relative, or a minister. Remember, the focus is on what God is doing, not on what you’re doing or how you do it. If you don’t have anyone in mind, our Senior Minister, Allan Stanglin, would be honored to baptize you.

  • We provide shorts and shirts for those being baptized, but you can bring your own clothes if you’d like. We will give you a GCR “I Have Decided” t-shirt to wear during the baptism or after. We also provide plenty of towels. If you’re worried about your hair, know that it will get wet. We’ve got blow dryers, but you’ll need to bring your comb or brush.

  • The biblical view is that baptism is the time and place one is united with the crucified and resurrected Jesus and receives forgiveness of all sins and the gift of God’s Spirit (Acts 2:40-41, 8:12-13, 8:35-38, 16:14-15, 16:31-34, 18:8). In the Bible, the one who calls on the name of the Lord to be saved is baptized (Acts 22:16). At the very least, we know Jesus was baptized; it seems like a good idea to follow him into and out of those same waters.

Our prayer is that God is moving in your heart or in the heart of someone you know right now to make this important commitment to Christ Jesus. Our pledge to you is that we will carefully provide everything you need between now and Baptism Sunday and walk together faithfully with you every step of the way after.

“What are you waiting for?
Get up, be baptized, and wash your sins away,
calling on his name!”

~Acts 22:16