Into the Water: Baptism as God’s Transforming Work
to Apr 13

Into the Water: Baptism as God’s Transforming Work

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A Two-Part Class on the Christian Sacrament of Baptism

9:00am Sunday April 6 & 13 in Room 302

 Many Christians believe baptism is simply an outward sign of a salvation that’s already been received. Others believe it’s a necessary command that legally divides those heading to heaven from those going to hell. Of course, it’s much more than a sign or a symbol. And it should never be reduced to some line-in-the-sand technical requirement.

It’s both. And it’s more.

Christian baptism points beyond itself and actually participates in God’s transforming work. God is active through baptism to change us into his divine image and to add us into a community of abundant life in him. It’s more important than you think, but maybe not for the reasons you suppose.

In preparation for GCR’s annual Baptism Sunday, April 27, our Senior Minister Allan Stanglin is teaching a two-part class on baptism. If you have never received the gift of baptism, please join us for this laid-back, mostly conversational class for all ages and all faith experiences and backgrounds. Children under 18 should be accompanied by a parent. Otherwise, all are welcome to bring their questions and curiosity to this important discussion.  

Baptism shouldn’t be watered down. Join us as we dive in to the Scriptural, historical, and theological understandings and practice of Christian baptism.

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Midweek Movie Night
5:00 PM17:00

Midweek Movie Night

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a special Midweek Movie Night as we come together to watch King of Kings, an inspiring film about the life of Jesus. We’ve rented out an entire theater to give our church family and friends a unique opportunity to experience this new movie. 

In it, a father tells his son the greatest story ever told, and what begins as a bedtime tale becomes a life-changing journey. Through vivid imagination, the boy walks alongside Jesus, witnessing His miracles, facing His trials, and understanding His ultimate sacrifice. The King of Kings invites us to rediscover the enduring power of hope, love, and redemption through the eyes of a child.

Event Details:
Date: Wednesday, April 9, 2025
Time: Movie starts at 5:30 (come early to get your snacks)
 Location: Cinergy Midland
Cost: $5 per ticket, $20 max per family 

This is a great chance to invite friends, family, and neighbors to witness the story of Jesus on the big screen. Seats are limited, so be sure to get your tickets here soon to secure your spot.

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4 Midland Maundy Thursday Service
7:00 PM19:00

4 Midland Maundy Thursday Service

Join us at First Methodist on Thursday, April 17, as we gather for a Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service with our brothers and sisters from First Methodist, First Presbyterian, and First Baptist to experience a powerful evening of reflection and worship. This unique and meaningful service combines the observance of Maundy Thursday, where we remember Jesus’ last supper with His disciples, with the Service of Tenebrae, a moving progression of scripture readings, extinguishing of candles, and moments of silence that walk us through the final hours of Jesus’ life.

All are welcome. Come and be a part of this sacred journey.

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Easter at GCR
10:15 AM10:15

Easter at GCR

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Come celebrate the greatest news the world has ever heard!

🕘 Bible Classes for All Ages – 9:00 AM
🕥 Worship Service – 10:15 AM

This Easter, join us as we gather to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Our worship will center on “Hearing the Good News,” inspired by Luke 24:1-49. This will be a morning of proclamation and celebration because Jesus is risen!

By God’s eternal power, our Lord has conquered the grave, and He lives forever! And here’s the best part: those of us in Christ do, too! It’s Good News that changes everything. But do we truly hear it? Can we receive it?

Come ready to listen, rejoice, and respond to the life-giving message of the risen King.

We can’t wait to celebrate with you!

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Baptism Sunday
10:15 AM10:15

Baptism Sunday

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Baptism is a gift. It is not a legal requirement to meet, a technical ritual to perform, a test to pass or fail, or a strict command to obey just right. It is a gracious gift from God. Baptism is the way to accept and experience everything God longs to give you through Christ.

The focus is not on what WE do in baptism but what GOD is doing. If you or someone you know has never received the gift of baptism, GCR is inviting you to be baptized on Baptism Sunday.

Following the sermon on April 27, all who have never been baptized are invited to receive baptism in the name of Jesus for the forgiveness of sin and the gift of God’s Holy Spirit.

If you would like to be baptized at GCR on Baptism Sunday or want to know more about baptisms, click below.

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GCR|Kids Father/Son Touch-a-Truck
4:00 PM16:00

GCR|Kids Father/Son Touch-a-Truck

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Dads, grab your sons and head to the GCR parking lot on April 27 for an awesome time filled with snacks, activities, and a chance to explore some cool vehicles! But that’s not all—bring some canned goods to fill up one of our special trucks for Mission Agape and help serve our community.

Event Details:
📅 Date: Sunday, April 27
Time: 4:00-5:30 PM
📍 Location: GCR Parking Lot

Don’t forget to register so we know you’re coming—and invite all the truck-loving dudes in your life to join in on the fun!

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Family Promise
to May 1

Family Promise

Family Promise is one of our local missions partners that is on the front line of Midland’s effort to reduce homelessness while transforming the lives of families in need.

GCR will be providing dinners and groceries for families that are participating in the Family Promise program. Sign up with the button below to serve!

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Women of Wonder
2:00 PM14:00

Women of Wonder

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Women of Wonder: A Day of Learning, Growth, and Connection

Join us for Women of Wonder, a special event where the incredible women of our church come together to share their God-given gifts and passions! This is a day designed to inspire, equip, and connect as we learn from one another in a variety of hands-on classes.

Whether you're eager to explore a new hobby, sharpen a skill, or simply spend time in fellowship with other women, Women of Wonder offers something for everyone. Our talented instructors—women from our very own church family—will lead engaging sessions on topics that they are passionate about! 

Come be encouraged, empowered, and enriched as we celebrate the unique talents God has placed within each of us. Let’s learn, grow, and glorify Him together!

Register here to attend one or more of the classes! (each class in each time slot is identical so you have the opportunity to attend all the classes you’re interested in)

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4Midland Ash Wednesday Service
6:30 PM18:30

4Midland Ash Wednesday Service

Join us for a community Ash Wednesday service with our brothers and sisters from First Baptist, First Presbyterian, and First Methodist at 6:30 pm on March 5 at First Presbyterian Church. We’ll gather together in unity, worship, receive ashes on our foreheads, and mark the beginning of the season of Lent and our journey to Easter Sunday. Together, we’ll reflect, repent, and renew our spirits.

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The Groovy Gala
5:30 PM17:30

The Groovy Gala

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Are you 60 years old or older?  Then you are invited to The Groovy Gala: A 1970’s Throwback Party, March 2, from 5:30-7:30 pm in the Gathering Space. GCR|Youth is hosting, serving, and entertaining all our special guests on this fun intergenerational night!  

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Bible Class Training
7:30 AM07:30

Bible Class Training

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Everyone is invited to the next teacher breakfast/training on Saturday, March 1, in the Gathering Space from 7:30-11:30 am. Dr. Mason Lee, Professor and Associate Dean of the ACU Graduate School of Theology, has written our curriculum, "Risen and Present: Jesus and the Church in Luke-Acts.” He will review the material with our teachers, class leaders, and anyone interested in getting a glimpse into this new series.

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Discover GCR
11:30 AM11:30

Discover GCR

Discover GCR is an opportunity for you to explore membership and learn more about who we are! It is immediately following worship in the Room 100. Lunch and childcare are provided.

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A Night of Connection
5:30 PM17:30

A Night of Connection

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS


Join us for a special evening to help married couples unwind, reconnect, and deepen their bond. Enjoy a delicious dinner together and an engaging and interactive presentation from local relationship counselor Stephanie Mead on reducing stress and building meaningful connections. Whether you're dating, newlyweds, or decades in, this event is your chance to invest in your relationship in a relaxed, uplifting atmosphere.

Make this night a priority for you and your spouse—because your marriage is worth it!

Please reserve your spot and sign up your kids for their own engaging offering during the event.

KIDS (birth-4th grade) -a pizza dinner and a Bible lesson and activities will be provided during the entire event.
TEENS (5th-12th grade)- dinner and an age-appropriate discussion on relationships from Drew and Kelsea Jordan

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Daddy & Daughter Dance
6:30 PM18:30

Daddy & Daughter Dance

All dads/father figures of girls ages 3+ are invited for a night of dancing and fun on February 7 in our gym!

Snacks, dancing, and tons of photo opportunities were provided.

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Chili Cook-Off Potluck
6:30 PM18:30

Chili Cook-Off Potluck

It is time for our fifth annual GCR chili cook-off!

We are calling everyone, adults, teens, groups, and kids, to bring their best chili. We will enjoy a time of eating and fellowship together while judges taste each chili, and awards will be given to the best chili! 

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Honduras Mission Trip
8:30 AM08:30

Honduras Mission Trip

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

This year we are excited to return to Mission Lazarus to partner with them as they continue to bless the people of Honduras. This is an intergenerational trip, for youth and adults alike, to work and serve together. Signups are open now! And will be open until March 15.

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Christmas Eve Service
4:00 PM16:00

Christmas Eve Service

Join us on Christmas Eve at 4:00 pm for a candlelight service where we will worship and celebrate our Savior. Christmas is not just the coming of Jesus, it’s the coming of a new understanding of what God is doing, a new reality of his eternal presence, a new meaning for our existence, a new purpose for our lives --- it’s a whole new world!

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Mission Agape Christmas Event
to Dec 20

Mission Agape Christmas Event

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mission Agape is hosting a Christmas store for our community members who need extra help this Christmas season on December 19 in the GCR gym. We expect to hit a record-high number of kids to bless this Christmas! Please sign up below if you'd like to volunteer to help families shop during the event.

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GCR|Kids Christmas Pageant
6:30 PM18:30

GCR|Kids Christmas Pageant

Cozy up, grab your flannel, and SAVE THE DATE for the GCR|Kids new and original performance “Campfire Christmas!” on December 11.

Rehearsals for kids will be held on Wednesday nights from 6:30 to 7:30 starting October 23rd. We hope all of our Explorers and World Changers (3-year-old class-4th grade) can participate. Contact Kristin Rampton with any questions.

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GCR|Sisterhood Christmas Party
5:00 PM17:00

GCR|Sisterhood Christmas Party

Aloha, Lovely Ladies of GCR!

We’re thrilled to invite you to a very special Luau Christmas Party hosted by the GCR|Sisterhood! Get ready to embrace the spirit of Christmas with a tropical twist—it’s going to be a night of joy, laughter, and sisterhood!

Date: Sunday, December 8
Time: 5:00-7:00 PM
Location: DeAnn McGraw’s Barn
Cost: $5 (suggested donation)

What's in store?
✨ Delicious food
✨ Games, laughter, and fellowship
✨ Fabulous prizes for the best luau-inspired Christmas costume!

Dress in your favorite tropical Christmas attire—think leis, Hawaiian prints, or a Santa hat with a tropical twist! Let’s celebrate the season together and make beautiful memories as sisters in Christ.

🌺 Bring your friends, bring your laughter, and let’s make it a night to remember! 🌺

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Mother & Daughter Cookies and Canvas
10:00 AM10:00

Mother & Daughter Cookies and Canvas

Calling all moms and daughters to join us for a time of cookies, painting canvases, and Christmas joy! Grandmother and granddaughter team, Kathy Futrell and Lillee Hill, will guide us in a festive painting while we eat cookies and spend quality time together.

This event is for 3-year olds-12th graders and their moms and will be from 10:00-11:30 in the GCR gym.

Make sure to wear your Christmas PJs!

Registration is currently full. If you’d like to be put on a waitlist, please e-mail with your name, contact info, and names and ages of your children.

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4 MIDLAND Thanksgiving Service
5:00 PM17:00

4 MIDLAND Thanksgiving Service

The 4 Midland churches are swapping preachers ahead of our first combined Thanksgiving service on November 24. Allan is preaching at First Baptist that morning while Steve Brooks, pastor of First Methodist, is preaching here at GCR. The special day of Christian unity concludes with all four churches coming together to worship in thanksgiving at 5:00pm at First Baptist.

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Breakthrough Retreat
to Nov 16

Breakthrough Retreat

  • The Way Retreat Center (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

A Breakthrough Retreat is a 24-hour getaway with 20-24 GCR members to experience a breakthrough to transformation and mission. You will be introduced to several traditional spiritual disciplines that will equip you to more creatively and effectively engage God through Word and Prayer. We’ll pray Scripture, explore ancient prayers, dwell in the Word, read with our senses, and reflect theologically in meaningful conversation.

The cost is $15 per person and includes overnight accommodations at The Way Retreat Center in Midland, three meals, and all the materials.

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MidWeek Night of Service
6:00 PM18:00

MidWeek Night of Service

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

GCR’s second Wednesday MidWeek in November is all about service. We’ll gather at 6:00 p.m. in the gym to share in desserts, coffee, and hot chocolate with Mission Agape clients, distribute Thanksgiving food boxes, pack Birthday boxes for our local missions partners, and pack weekend food bags for elementary students. Come serve with the GCR Family.

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Harvest Party
5:00 PM17:00

Harvest Party


Date: Sunday, October 27, 2024

Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

Location: Family Promise Campus (2908 W Ohio Ave.)

This year, we want to be missional with our Harvest Party. So, we'll be setting up our Harvest party for the families of Family Promise. We'll have trunks, food, and games for these families and their kids! We want to make meaningful connections with these families and join in the work of God at Family Promise.

Contact Ryan Rampton if you have any questions. 

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Raising Kids in a Drowning Culture
6:30 PM18:30

Raising Kids in a Drowning Culture

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Parenting in today’s culture isn’t easy—whether you’re a parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, mentor, or friend. But you don’t have to navigate it alone!

Join us on October 9 at 6:30 for an inspiring and transformative evening with Candy Gibbs, a renowned author, national speaker, pro-life advocate, and expert in parenting. As a wife and mother, Candy brings a wealth of experience and wisdom, and she’s passionate about helping you raise and release godly sons and daughters who are unwavering in their faith and driven by purpose.

This night is more than just a talk—it’s an opportunity to gain practical tools, receive encouragement, and connect with others who are on the same journey. Let’s come together to build a generation that stands firm in faith and walks boldly into their future!

Don’t miss this chance to be equipped and inspired. Join us for a night of wisdom, encouragement, and practical strategies to raise the next generation with confidence.

During the event, activities for kids of all ages will be available in our kids and youth areas. Check-in begins at 6:15.

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MidWeek Night of Worship
6:30 PM18:30

MidWeek Night of Worship

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for a MidWeek Night of Worship on Wednesday, September 11! We’ll kick off the evening with a delicious dinner at 5:30 PM in the gym—come hungry and ready to connect with our church family.

At 6:30 PM, the real celebration begins! As we worship together in the Worship Center, we’ll unite our hearts and voices in a powerful time of praise and worship.

Don’t miss this incredible night to worship our Lord together. Come as you are, bring a friend, and get ready to praise God together!

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Women's WONDER Conference
8:00 AM08:00

Women's WONDER Conference

WONDER Conference is a fun, engaging event for women of all ages. As women, we are powerful and unique expressions of the beauty of God on the earth, made to release His glory and presence to the world. Join us as we discover the beauty of who God is and who He has created each of us to be. We believe God will equip you to live a life of wonder. We’ll worship, pray, and be inspired as we encounter the empowering and captivating reality of Christ in us.

Where: The Hills Church in North Richland Hills

When: September 21, 2024 | We’ll carpool to Dallas on Friday, Sep. 8 and stay at the Hilton Garden Inn

Cost: $65 for the conference (paid at registration), $30 for the hotel room (paid to GCR)

When you register, you can join the GCR Sisterhood group with the passcode “gcrcc”

After registration, if you want a GCR-booked hotel room, please e-mail

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Emerson Elementary Fist Bump Crew
7:00 AM07:00

Emerson Elementary Fist Bump Crew

Sometimes drop-offs in the morning can be a tough time for kids. Let's change that! GCR is continuing its Fist Bump Crew at Emerson Elementary. We show up in the mornings and turn drop-off into a fun time of welcoming the students to school with encouragement and a fist bump. We want to make drop-off fun while making connections with students and staff at Emerson. Last year was a blast and we can’t wait for the new school year.

When: Starting August 19, then the first Monday of each month (unless that's a holiday, then Tuesday)
Time: 7:00-7:45 am
Wear: We'll provide you with your very own Fist Bump Crew Shirt

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GCR Sisterhood Fall Kickoff
5:00 PM17:00

GCR Sisterhood Fall Kickoff

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

All GCR Women are invited to attend our Sisterhood Kickoff Event on August 18 at 5:00 pm in the Gathering Space.

This will be a time of connection, food, and learning about all the upcoming events planned for us in the upcoming months! Don’t miss this opportunity to gather with other women from GCR and enjoy a night of community and FUN! This event is free, but any donation to help with costs are greatly appreciated. Let us know using the link below if you’re coming.

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Back to School Cookout
6:00 PM18:00

Back to School Cookout

Join the whole church family on August 14 from 6:00-7:00 pm in the family center gym for a cookout to celebrate the start of a new school year. We’ll share a meal, spend time together in fellowship, and pray over the students and teachers as they start a new year. We’ll even have some games and pickle ball set up.

No need to bring anything, just come and enjoy!

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Hallal Worship Evening - Midland 2024
7:00 PM19:00

Hallal Worship Evening - Midland 2024

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Ken & Marca Young and friends to celebrate 40 years of Hallal Music. 

Hallal Music’s songwriting ministry began in 1984 at the Westover Hills Church in Austin, TX.  Through the years Hallal has published almost 500 arrangements and original songs that have been used in churches around the world.

Some of the most prolific years of Hallal’s ministry took place at the Golf Course Road Church in Midland, TX. God used events like Stream and Rejoice to bring thousands together for worship experiences that blessed lives and helped renew many churches.

Come celebrate an evening of the best of four decades of worship music along with special moments that touched our lives and brought us closer to Christ.

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Welcome New MISD Teachers
7:45 AM07:45

Welcome New MISD Teachers

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

We are hosting all the new teachers in the district at our building for their orientation on July 29-30. We want to be great hosts, so we are looking for volunteers to greet at the entrances and help with a coffee and tea bar in the South Rotunda in the mornings.

July 29 | 7:45-8:45 AM
July 30 | 8:00-9:00 AM

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Mission Agape School Supply Drive
9:00 AM09:00

Mission Agape School Supply Drive

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Mission Agape’s School supply distribution event is being held at GCR this year and we’d love for you to come help students in Midland fill their backpacks with school supplies. If you've never had a chance to participate in this fun event, please accept our invitation this year and come serve! Seeing so many children stuff their backpacks full of supplies is such a blessing for us!

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Start the Party VBS
to Jul 18

Start the Party VBS

  • Golf Course Road Church of Christ (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join us for VBS this summer. All four-year-olds through completed 4th graders are invited to celebrate the good news on July 16-18 from 5:30-8:00 each night.

Jesus gives us the most amazing reason to party. That’s why we believe God’s love and the Gospel of Jesus is the best news ever. Celebrate the good news of Jesus with us at VBS this summer.

We have been blown away by registrations, and we are maxed out

Please e-mail us to be put on the waitlist for any spots that open up.

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