Make a Local Impact
At GCR, we aim to bring the hope of Jesus beyond the walls of our building. Serving opportunities throughout the year give us the opportunity to truly BE the church to the city God has placed us in. Take a look at our local mission partners to find a way to make an impact on our community
Serve Families Transitioning out of Homelessness
The next week we will be providing dinners for Family Promise is June 30-July 6.
We provide a meal each month for pregnant and parenting teens at YoungLives. If you are interested in doing this, contact Ryan Rampton.
Food insecurity in the Permian Basin
Mission Agape operates a food pantry on our campus. To serve with Mission Agape, contact Ryan Rampton.
Emerson is a local Title I school that we have adopted. If you are interested in reading with students or serving on their campus in some way. Contact Ryan Rampton.