Breakthrough FAQ

Why are the adult Bible Classes all studying the same curriculum?
It will be good for us to foster church unity and around our study of the Bible. The new plan equips and supports our teachers and ensures that all our classes are encountering a steady and balanced diet of the complete witness of Scripture. It also opens up our whole system to be more intergenerational and interactive.

Are you messing with my small group?
No. We are launching twelve brand new groups committed to focus on the formation zones. We are inviting our existing groups to join us in those experiences. But they don’t have to.

What volunteer opportunities are out there?
We are asking every person in our church to volunteer two hours per month in service and ministry. Ryan Rampton is our new Community Connections Minister and his job is to organize our church and our local partners together so this can happen. There are dozens of opportunities, a wide array of needs, and flexible times to serve. Contact Ryan to make those connections.

How long are the commitments with the local missions groups?
The initial partnerships are for two years. After that time, each ministry will be evaluated and, perhaps, modified, allowing for flexibility to do more or less as needs arise and the Holy Spirit leads in ministering to our city.

What is a Christian Practices Retreat?
It’s a 24-hour getaway with 20-24 GCR members to experience a few spiritual disciplines together. We’ll explore several exciting ways to engage God through Word and Prayer. You can attend a retreat with your Bible class or small group, with your family or on your own. The schedule and signups for the first few retreats will be posted soon.

Why are we getting rid of the pews?
Many of the 60-year-old pews are cracked, some are broken, and they are all way too close together. Repairing and re-customizing each pew would cost much more than the comfortable and flexible seating we can then arrange any way we’d like. And it makes our worship center more usable for outside groups and events.   

When will construction begin and where will we worship?
We will worship in the Family Center on Sunday mornings during the eight-month remodel from early January through August. The goal is to be back in the Worship Center in time for GCR’s  60th Anniversary Celebration August 11-13, 2023.

What will happen to our annual end-of-year offering?
That special collection is being put on hold during this two-year campaign. The money that is typically given on that day is built into BREAKTHROUGH. It will be evaluated and possibly adjusted or even eliminated in the future.

How do I give?
Pledge cards will be distributed during our worship assembly on October 16 and collected on October 30. You can make a one-time offering or pledge to give weekly or monthly during the two-year campaign. All gifts and pledges need to be above and beyond your normal weekly tithes and offerings.

 If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact an elder or minister.

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