Family Matters
A lot of us are idealizing our families and it’s killing us. You feel like you’re a failure as a spouse or a parent. Or both. You’re constantly working overtime—all the time!—to accomplish unrealistic goals. The sex in your marriage is unfulfilling or barely exists. You’re living your life through your kids and they resent you for it. Your parents are getting older and requiring more of your time and resources. It’s too much!
Erma Bombeck said, “Family: the ties that bind and gag!”
Here’s some good news: your family’s not as messed up as you think. Yes, family is important. But it’s not THE most important thing. We believe Jesus came to give us all a better identity in him and a healthier, more realistic perspective on our families.
Please join us at 10:15 Sunday mornings beginning October 22 for a special sermon series, “Family Matters.”
October 22 : Family: The Ties that Bind and Gag
October 29 : Marriage: Mystery Beyond Reason
November 5 : Sex: It Takes Two to Tango
November 19 : Parenting: So You’ve Ruined Your Kids…”
November 26 : Divorce: It’s Going to be OK”
December 3 : Old Age: Honeymoon to Hospice”
At GCR, we’re looking at our family issues through the love of God and the cross of Christ. Bring your whole family, invite your friends, and come prepared for a word of grace we can all use.
Family matters sermons
Old Age: Honeymoon to Hospice
Divorce: It’s Going to be OK
Parenting: So You’ve Ruined Your Kids…
Sex: It Takes Two To Tango
Marriage: Mystery Beyond Reason
Family: The Ties That Bind and Gag