hearing god
"The one who has ears to hear, let them hear!" ~Mark 4:9
Jesus says this more than a dozen times in Scripture: if a person has ears to hear, let him hear.
Hear what?
Hear God's voice.
Our God is a talker. One of the main thing that sets our God apart from all other gods is that he speaks. It's what differentiates Christianity from all other religions. He has a voice, and he is still speaking to his children today. But are we listening? Do we even know how to listen?
Over this six-week series, we'll consider the talkative nature of our God, we'll identify the barriers in our lives that keep us from hearing his voice, and we'll evaluate what is God's voice and what is not. In order to learn and grow together, we're also providing daily spiritual exercises inside this bulletin.
Sunday, April 16 - Hearing God When He Speaks
Sunday, April 23 - Hearing God in Holy Relationship
Sunday, April 30 - Hearing God with Clear Reception
Sunday, May 14 - Hearing God Instead of the Enemy
Sunday, May 21 - Hearing God in the Truth of Jesus
Sunday, May 28 - Hearing God in His Silence
Our Father wants us to hear him in order to know him. He longs for an intimate and dynamic relationship with his children. Let's commit together as a church family to improving our hearing, nurturing our relationship with God not as a one-way monologue in which we do all the talking, but as a continuous two-way dialogue in which he takes the lead, The plan is for our entire church family to engage in a twelve-week process of appointing additional shepherds here at GCR:
Hearing God Art Project
As we work together to "improve our hearing" over the next six weeks, we want to decorate the entrance to the Family Center with multiple images of "Hearing God." We need a variety of thoughts and ideas, a whole bunch of different pictures. Thank you for participating.
Take one blank canvas per person. You can pick them up today in the Family Center or any weekday at the church office.
Write your name on the sticker on the front of the canvas. (Please don't remove the sticker)
Using paints or Sharpies or watercolors or any other art supplies you'd like, create for us your interpretation of "Hearing God." What does "Hearing God" mean to you? What does it look like for you? How would you portray "Hearing God" on this canvas?
You might use these theme passages for inspiration or even work them into your art project:
"Whoever who has ears to hear, let them hear!" ~Mark 4:9
"Your ears will hear a voice behind you saying, 'This is the way; walk in it.'" ~Isaiah 30:21
"My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me." ~John 10:27
Bring your finished project to the Welcome Center beginning Sunday, April 23. Or drop them off at the church offices any time. Look for the projects to be displayed inside the Family Center beginning April 30.
Hearing God sermons
Hearing God In His Silence - John 11:1-44
Hearing God in the Truth of Jesus - 1 Corinthians 14:1-12
Hearing God Instead of the Enemy - Luke 8:4-15
Hearing God with Clear Reception - James 1:16-25
Hearing God in Holy Relationship - John 10:1-16
Hearing God When He Speaks - Luke 10:38-42