Jadyn Martinez
Jadyn grew up in Grants, NM. Her parents are Matthew and Jana Clark, and she has two little sisters. While living in Grants, her dad became the lead pastor and youth minister of Grants Church of Christ. Through that, she found a relationship with Christ from a young age. She was baptized at the age of 8, and even though it seemed young, she knew she wanted to follow Jesus for her whole life, even then. She has always had a passion for sharing Jesus with her friends. At eight years old, she started elementary school Bible studies at lunch, and when she got to middle school, she became a leader in her youth group. She saw her youth group grow from 20 students to 150 in a couple of years. Seeing the passion students could have for finding the Lord and seeing how it transformed her friends' lives, she was always sure she was supposed to help people know Jesus for the rest of her life.
In her middle school years in Grants, she met Isaiah, and they went to Lubbock Christian University together. They got married and had Shiloh Marie in 2021. Shiloh came into the world 13 weeks early, but because of the Lord's goodness, she came home three months later without any medical issues. She will be two on May 24th.
Jadyn spent her time at LCU studying education and graduated with a Middle School Education Degree with an emphasis in social studies. She did her student teaching at Heritage Middle School, teaching 7th grade Texas history, and is now a certified teacher.
She loves coffee, movie theaters, and the mountains! She loves being with people and learning their stories. She really enjoys spending time with students and experiencing the joy of getting to have fun and be silly with them. She can't wait to get to experience community the way the Lord intended it: being a family!
"I am thrilled to work with the GCR students and experience all the joy and fun that brings. I am most excited to go deeper with the Lord and help teens see who He truly is to them and how that will transform their lives forever!"