thank you gcr family for committing $6,151,300.84
(and rising) to Breakthrough


Our vision at Golf Course Road brings us to a new season of exciting opportunity: challenging us to take greater steps of  faith, making the most of our momentum and resources, and serving in love those who are far from God. If we are focused and unified in this vision, our God will work through us to reach more people, to impact more lives, and to ultimately do more for his Kingdom than we’ve ever dared to dream. We are on the cusp of something eternally significant for our church, a BREAKTHROUGH that triggers an explosion of faith and generosity for the sake of Midland, the whole Permian Basin, and the world.

Vision Statement

Call it what you will – transformation, sanctification, spiritual formation – it doesn’t happen overnight. The course of being changed more and more into the image of God is difficult and lengthy. But this is precisely what God is doing with those he has saved and called for his glorious purposes. This is what God is doing in us. And we are paying closer attention to it at GCR.

 As we are shaped more and more into the image of Jesus, the natural outcome will be service to others. This is God’s great purpose and will for his people – mission, ministry, good works. This is what God is doing through us. And we are committing to it at GCR.

Formation Zones

Our shepherds and ministers at GCR have studied and researched together the twin values of transformation and mission within our church family. We’ve listened to the stories and gathered the experiences during leadership retreats, brainstorming sessions with class teachers and small group leaders, and through a church-wide survey. After much time in prayer and discernment, we believe God’s Spirit works in four key areas in our lives to shape us more into the image of Jesus: Knowledge, Community, Christian Practices, and Mission.

 This is how God works despite how we organize and program our church. Imagine now what happens if we walk together in step with God as he transforms us. What if we pay more attention to the methods we already know God uses? The sky’s the limit!

These “formation zones” are not steps or principles. These are not building blocks or programs or projects. These are faith catalysts. These are dynamics. This is the lens through which everything we do is viewed, evaluated, and measured. This is the atmosphere, the place where our God works to make us into the people he uses to touch the whole world with his joy and peace.

Our church building is a mission outpost that is used almost every single day, both by Christian groups and those who do not yet know Christ. The generosity with which we share our campus with others is a big part of our ministry and mission strategy in Midland and beyond – it gets used a lot. And we’re past due for some renovation and remodeling.

We’ll be replacing the 23-year-old carpet, expanding the stage, installing a flexible and comfortable new seating system, improving the lights and sound, and building a beautiful baptistry right down front. We’re also adding new carpet and fresh paint to the hallways and classrooms surrounding the worship center. Almost half the money we need has been sitting in a Kingdom Now fund that was offered by GCR members 17 years ago. The rest is built into the BREAKTHROUGH campaign.

This magnificent room is the centerpiece of our church campus and we all know it needs some work. Certainly, the makeover will benefit us on Sunday mornings, but these upgrades and updates will also result in more capacity for more events, more opportunities to share the love of Jesus with more people and groups.

October 30 is BREAKTHROUGH Sunday. On that day, we need every GCR member to give sacrificially to reach our goal and breakthrough to transformation and mission. Between now and then, commit to listening for what God wants you to do with this. How is the Lord asking you to grow spiritually over the next two years? What does he need you to do to accomplish this BREAKTHROUGH for you and the GCR Church? You can give a one-time gift on October 30 or sign a pledge card with a weekly or monthly amount.

Yes, this is a God-sized goal. This isn’t going to happen unless God shows up and makes it happen. God is going to have to change hearts. God is going to have to move a mountain or two. And we are convinced that he will.